Thursday, March 1, 2012

Solid Understanding of the Basics of HTML5 Part 1

Solid Understanding of the Basics of HTML5 | Let us play with HTML5

HTML5 Introduction

HTML5 is advanced of HTML. It is the new standared for HTML. Now days most modern browsers have support. Example, Crome, Mozila 10.0.2, IE 9.
There are following Rules for HTML 5, which is given bellow:-
1) There are some new features based on HTML, CSS, DOM, JavaScript
2) Best way to Error handling
3) HTML5, device independent
4) Reduce external Plugins

What new features is in HTML 5?

There are some following new features in HTML5:
1) Canvas element for drawing charts according to user preference.
2) The most powerful feature audio and video elements for media.
3) Best support for local offline storage.
4) Add new tag elements.
5) Add new form controls.

List of new tag elements

Media Elements Tags in HTML 5
1)< audio >
2)< video >
3)< source >
4)< embed >
5)< track >
Canvas Element Tags in HTML 5
1)< canvas>
Form Elements Tags in HTML 5
1)< datalist>
2)< keygen>
3)< output>
Input Type Attribute Values in HTML 5
1) tel
2) search
3) url
4) email
5) datetime
6) date
7) month
8) week
9) time
10) datetime-local
11) number
12) range
13) color
14) placeholder
< video> - Methods, Properties, and Events Tags in HTML 5
1) play()
2) pause()
3) load()
4) canPlayType
< video> Properties in HTML 5
1) currentSrc
2) currentTime
3) videoWidth
4) videoHeight
5) duration
6) ended
7) error
8) paused
9) muted
10) seeking
11) volume
12) height
13) width
< video> Events in HTML 5
1) play
2) pause
3) progress
4) error
5) timeupdate
6) ended
7) abort
8) empty
9) emptied
10) waiting


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