Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Learn RSS - RSS Tutorial - Free RSS Tutorial

What is RSS?

RSS stand for Really Simple Syndication. Basic definition of RSS is that Simply RSS is a method which use XML to distribute web of one web site to many other web sites.
It gives us an easy way to share and view headlines and content.
Really Simple Syndication(RSS) files can updated automatically.
We can use RSS personal views for different sites.
RSS is can also written in XML.
With the help of RSS we can perform fast browsing for news and also use to update them.
With the help of RSS we can syndicate our site content

copyright element in RSS?

All rights reserved by R4R

image element in RSS?

Display an image when aggregators presents a RSS feed. To define element tag to use these three child elements.
: used to define the URL of image.
: use to define the text to display if an image can not be shown.<br /> <link>: used to define the hyperlink to the website that offers the channel.<br /> feg.<url>Image path</url><br /> <title>r4r.co.in
site link

language element in RSS?


item element in RSS?

Define an element we must have to use these three child element.
1.: This is used to define the title of item.<br /> 2.<link>: This is use to define the hyperlink to the item.<br /> 3.<description>: This is use to describe an item.<br /> Exe: This example explain how to use <item> element in RSS.<br /> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><br /> <rss version="2.0"><br /> <channel><br /> <title>Home Page of R4R
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RSS title
RSS ...

Category element in RSS?

RSS we use child element to define category for your RSS.
Using element RSS aggregator can grouped the web sites on the base of category.
How to define element in RSS document?
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