Wednesday, March 21, 2012

VBScript - ByVal Vs ByRef

VBScript - ByVal Vs ByRef

Passing Parameters ByRef and ByVal

In VBScript, there are two ways values can be passed:
1) ByVal

2) ByRef

Using ByVal, we can pass arguments as values whereas with the use of ByRef, we can pass arguments are references.

the parameter is passed by value, thus the subroutine works with a copy of the original.

the parameter is passed by reference, thus the subroutine works directly with the original.

Example: Parameters By Value

Function GetValue( ByVal var )
var = var + 1
End Function

Dim x: x = 5

'Pass variable x to GetValue function ByVal
GetValue x

Response.write "x = " & x

Output: x = 5

Example: Parameters By Reference:

Function GetReference( ByRef var )
var = var + 1
End Function

Dim x: x = 5

'Pass the variable x to the GetReference function ByRef
GetReference x

Response.write x

Output: 6

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