Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Learn RSS - RSS Tutorial - Free RSS Tutorial

What is RSS?

RSS stand for Really Simple Syndication. Basic definition of RSS is that Simply RSS is a method which use XML to distribute web of one web site to many other web sites.
It gives us an easy way to share and view headlines and content.
Really Simple Syndication(RSS) files can updated automatically.
We can use RSS personal views for different sites.
RSS is can also written in XML.
With the help of RSS we can perform fast browsing for news and also use to update them.
With the help of RSS we can syndicate our site content

copyright element in RSS?

All rights reserved by R4R

image element in RSS?

Display an image when aggregators presents a RSS feed. To define element tag to use these three child elements.
: used to define the URL of image.
: use to define the text to display if an image can not be shown.<br /> <link>: used to define the hyperlink to the website that offers the channel.<br /> feg.<url>Image path</url><br /> <title>r4r.co.in
site link

language element in RSS?


item element in RSS?

Define an element we must have to use these three child element.
1.: This is used to define the title of item.<br /> 2.<link>: This is use to define the hyperlink to the item.<br /> 3.<description>: This is use to describe an item.<br /> Exe: This example explain how to use <item> element in RSS.<br /> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><br /> <rss version="2.0"><br /> <channel><br /> <title>Home Page of R4R
huge collection of interview questions

RSS title
RSS ...

Category element in RSS?

RSS we use child element to define category for your RSS.
Using element RSS aggregator can grouped the web sites on the base of category.
How to define element in RSS document?
Web Designing
Learn SQL SERVER 2008 Tutorials

Better Coding in Classic ASP!

Tips For Better Coding in Classic ASP!

how we do Better Coding in Classic ASP!

  • Database in Session or App. Say NO!
  • Cache No More
  • Use Option Explicit
  • Encode with Redirects
  • Write Your SQL
  • Named constants for ADO are better
  • Clean Up Objects
  • Server.MapPath is Good
  • Just Say No to Session COM objects
  • Don't Read COM Properties Twice
  • Secure Code and Data
  • Encaspulate Code!
  • CASE reads better than IF
  • Error Trapping Strategies
  • Error Trapping Secrets

Classic ASP Objects Part 1

<br /> Classic ASP Objects<br /> meta name="Keywords" content="classic asp objects, html,css,tutorial,html5,dhtml,<br /> asp,ado,vbscript,dom,sql,beginner's guide,primer,lessons,examples,samples,source code,tags,demos,tips,<br /> links,FAQ,tag list,forms,frames,active server pages,dynamic html,<br /> internet,database,classic asp guide" /><br /> <meta name="Description" content="Learn about classic asp objects." /><br />

Classic ASP Object:

Response Object:
Basicaly we are using ASP Response object to send output to the user from the server.
response.write alternate syntax <%= %>

<% response.write("Hello New Programmer...!") %>.
Method for Response Object

1)AddHeader:- Adds HTTP header abd HTTP response

2)AppendToLog:- Adds a string to the end of the server log entry

3)BinaryWrite:- Writes data, without any character conversion

4)Clear:- Clears any buffered HTML output

5)End :- Stops the current processing a script.

6)Flush:- Sends buffered output immediately

7)Redirect:- Redirects the user to a different URL intrire a application

8)Write:- Writes a specified string

Request Object:

Request Object:
Request object is used to get information from a user or visiter.
There are various collection for Request Objects:
Request.ServerVariables (server_variable)
There are only ine method for Request object
BinaryRead : Retrieves the data sent to the server from the client.
<% dim a,b a=Request.TotalBytes b=Request.BinaryRead(a) %>

ASP Application Object:

ASP Application Object:

The Application object holds information that will be used by many pages in the application (like database connection information). The information can be accessed from any page. The information can also be changed in one place, and the changes will automatically be reflected on all pages.

<% Dim DailyHoroscope Application("DailyHoroscope")="Good day filled with happiness. All commitments and financial transactions need to be handled carefully. A lack of communication with someone you care will leave you depressed. tree in autumn. If travelling make sure you carry all-important documents. " Response.write(Application("DailyHoroscope")) %>

ASP Session Object:

Session Object: The Session object stores information about a user. session is logicaly objects to preserve data accross subsequence HTTP request.
<% Session("username")="Deepak madheshiya" Session("age")=24 %>

Friday, February 24, 2012

Checking for Browser Support HTML 5

Checking for Browser Support

Before you use the canvas element, make sure there is support in the browser or not. Using this way, you can provide some alternate text in case there is no support in their antique browser.
try {
document.getElementById("browsersupport").innerHTML =
"Wow… HTML5 Canvas is supported in your browser.";
} catch (e) {
document.getElementById("browsersupport ").innerHTML = "Sorry… HTML5 Canvas is not supported
in your browser.";

In this example, you try to create a canvas object and access its context. If there is an error, you will
catch it and know that Canvas is not supported. A previously defined support element on the page is
updated with a suitable message to reflect whether there is browser support or not.
This test will indicate whether the canvas element itself is supported by the browser. It will not
indicate which capabilities of the Canvas are supported. At the time of this writing, the API is stable and
well-supported, so this should generally not be an issue to worry about.