Monday, December 1, 2014

Calculate age Using Sql server script Calculate age Using Sql server script 2008, 2005

Calculate age Using Sql server

create function CalcAge (@dob datetime)
returns varchar(64)
declare @age int
declare @getdate datetime = getdate()
if @dob >= @getdate
return 'Invalid input Parameter'
set @age = datediff(yy, @dob, @getdate)
if month(@dob) > month(@getdate) or
(month(@dob) = month(@getdate) and
day(@dob) > day(@getdate))
set @age = @age - 1
return convert(varchar,@age) + ' Years and ' + convert(varchar,datediff(dd,dateadd(yy,@age,@dob),@getdate)) + ' Days'

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Enabling Unobtrusive Validation Mode in ASP.NET

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 provides new Validation features which is include Unobtrusive Validation. Whenever you need to work with such type of Validation mode you will have to firstly configure your Web Application.

How to configure your Web.Config File

< configuration >
< appSettings >
< add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None" >
< /appSettings >
< system.web >
< compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
< httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
< /system.web >
< /configuration >

How to configure your .aspx File

< asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txt" />
< asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" ErrorMessage="txt is required" ControlToValidate="txt" runat="server" Text="Text is Required" Display="Dynamic" />
< asp:Button ID="Button1" Text="Submit" runat="server" />

Thursday, October 30, 2014

how to read all filename from folder using ASP Vbscript

Read all filenames from folder using ASP Classic Vbscript

Sometimes you require to get a list of all the files name from a folder, I was thinking how it can be implemented, the solution is to used the interface and write a script in VBScript. There is a sample script which is build in ASP Vbscript will get the list of files on a Folder.

function GetFiles(pFolder, pPattern)
dim Filelist
set Filelist = Server.CreateObject("SCRIPTING.DICTIONARY")
dim Regex
set Regex = new RegExp
Regex.IgnoreCase = true
Regex.Pattern = pPattern
dim Fso
set Fso = Server.CreateObject("SCRIPTING.FILESYSTEMOBJECT")
dim Folder
set Folder = Fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(pFolder))
dim File
for each File in Folder.Files
if Regex.Test(File.Name) then
Filelist.add File.Name, Array(File.Type, File.Size, File.DateLastModified)
end if
set File = nothing
set Folder = nothing
set Fso = nothing
set Regex = nothing
set GetFiles = Filelist
end function
dim Files
set Files = GetFiles("agencies", "\.(asp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|tif)$")
if Files.Count = 0 then
Response.write "There are no images to display. "
end if
dim Filename
for each Filename in Files
Response.write Filename
Response.write Files(Filename)(0)
Response.write Files(Filename)(1)
How To Generate Random String Using ASP Classic vb script, Sql

Generate Random String Using ASP Classic VB script, Sql

Simple and highly customizable function so that you can generate random strings using VBScript that you can use in your ASP/VBScript applications. The random strings can be used for various purposes: Referral Codes, Promotional Codes, Random password for new registrations

function GetRefID(Val)
rid = ""
redim random_letter(tot_unique)
For counter = 1 to tot_unique
random_number = Int(26 * Rnd + 97)
random_letter(counter) = Chr(random_number)
'response.write random_letter(counter)
for check=1 to counter-1
if random_letter(check)= random_letter(counter) then
end if
For counter = 1 to tot_unique
'response.write "
  • " & random_letter(counter) & "
  • "
    rid=rid & random_letter(counter)
    Userid= Val & rid
    Sql="Select id from tbl Where id ='"&Userid&"' "
    Set Rs = objcon.execute(Sql)
    IF Not Rs.eof then
    GetRefID= Userid
    End IF
    Set Rs = Nothing
    End Function

    Tuesday, June 24, 2014

    Export Data in Excel with VBScript Classic ASP

    As i found lot of articles on the Internet, how to export a page to Excel using VBScript Classic ASP. There are very simple way to Create excel page using vbscript with the help of given steps.

    Step 1. 
    Response.ContentType = "application/"
    Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=My_List.xls"

    Step 2. 
    <html xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">